Worldwide Quilting Day – Quilting Memes (12)

Let’s share some love for “Worldwide Quilting Day“! These fun “Memes” can be shared as much as you like on social media.

“Right Click” on any (or all) of the images below and save them as images to share.

WWQD 2025 A true friend helps you hide your fabric stash!
Beautiful things come together one stitch at a time

I quilt, but my favorite hobby is collecting fabric

I heart quilting
Friends are like can never have enough!
antisewcial - when your friends begin to worry because they haven't seen you in awhile
sew far, sew good!
P is for pincushion
Quilting is my love language
I don't need therapy...just need more stuff like this!
sewing...where creativity meets addiction!
happiness is a full bobbin...and a fabric delivery on the way!
