Do you find yourself continually searching for shop events? Are you overwhelmed trying to create and plan a full schedule of activities for your shop? Need an event idea quickly? The Fabric Shop Network can now save you time and help you make money with Event Toolkits. Choose from three events spread throughout the year – each one is different.
- Local Quilt Shop Day, celebrated on the fourth Saturday in January, joins quilters and their favorite local quilt shops in appreciation for small independent businesses.
- Worldwide Quilting Day, held on the third Saturday in March, celebrates the ways that our love of quilting binds us together.
- I Love Fabric Days, celebrated at the end of the third week in August, is an opportunity for consumers and shop owners to share their enthusiasm for fabric.
Every Event Toolkit will give you a plan, keep you on track and help you to spread the word about your event. The kit contains all the marketing and advertising materials that you’ll need to hold a successful event. You can select one event that fits your timetable or buy a year’s worth of Event Toolkits (three in all) and save a bundle.
When you purchase an Event Toolkit, you’ll get the following in a convenient downloadable package:
- Event Planning: three activity options that you can use out-of-the-box or change to create an event that fits your shop’s unique personality, a week-by-week planning calendar and checklist,
- Storefront Signage: custom posters, event flyers and Bonus Bucks,
- Website and Blog: an event badge, web logos and a Facebook logo, and
- Social Media: 3-part email campaign and weekly social media posts with custom images.
- Print Advertising: event postcard, a print logo, and an editable press release.
To register for one or more of these events and benefit from the all the assistance that an Event Toolkit can provide, explore all The FabShop Network’s Event Toolkits.